Book Review on Redeem All: How Digital Life is Changing Evangelical Culture

ForthTelling Innovation
2 min readJan 22, 2022

A Needed Topic. But Does Not Address It with Excellence

Redeem All, released on December 21st in 2021, was the first book I read during 2022. My reading plan this year is to successfully complete 50 books. My hope is that the additional 49 books are much better than this book. The title and subtitle — How Digital Life is Changing Evangelical Culture — were appealing to me as an evangelical denominational staff person. I seek to engage in forthtelling innovational, so I felt this book would add to my body of knowledge and suggest various innovations I could share and attribute to this book.

It did not.

I would say that the introduction and first two chapters that focus on congregations and parachurch movement in evangelicalism and their use of digital approaches were informative. Primary research for these chapters, however, did not reflect a diverse inquiry into varying approaches. There was a lot about Life.Church, and that was interesting. But the research was not broad enough to reflect on sustaining principles but was more anecdotal insights.

By the time I got to chapter three I realized the author was beyond the initial focus of the earlier parts of the book and was writing chapters to have a full length book. From a sales perspective I…



ForthTelling Innovation

George Bullard is a Strategic Thinking Mentor for Christian leaders, congregations, denominations. Become member at